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S2E3 The Tireless Dragon of old

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Up Next in Young Explorers Season 1 Digital - Box Set

  • S2E3 The Tireless Dragon of old

    The Bible describes a centuries-old serpent dedicated to the systematic, eternal destruction of every man, woman and child that's ever been born. Trying to avoid the schemes of the Tireless Dragon of old won't work. Rather, believers need to understand his main attack, how it manifests itself tod...

  • S3E12 Jesus & Genesis-What the New Te...

    Jesus and Genesis - What the New Testament says about creation. Many people mistakenly think that the issue of creation, the Flood, where the different people groups came from and the age of the earth only involve the interpretation of Genesis 1 - 11. It's important to remember that the teaching ...

  • S3E4 How Genesis relates to a life & ...

    Calvin Smith discusses with special guest and pro-life activist Hannah Salamon-Vegh the cultural implications of a society that has abandoned Genesis as it's foundation and its impact on life and death issues facing the church and culture in Canada.