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S1E1 A Gospel Conversation Turns Creepy

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Young Explorers Season 1 Digital - Box Set

Up Next in Young Explorers Season 1 Digital - Box Set

  • S1E1 A Gospel Conversation Turns Creepy

    A Gospel Conversation Turns Creepy

  • Untethered Chapter 1

    Chapter 1: Meet the Untethered Generation

    "The odds are stacked against you, Mom and Dad. Statistics claim that a whopping 60 to 80 percent of evangelical kids will backslide.‚ Even in the Bible Belt. What is going on? Why are Christian losses growing while Christian converts are decreasing?


  • Untethered Chapter 2

    Chapter 2: our Broken Brains

    "The odds are stacked against you, Mom and Dad. Statistics claim that a whopping 60 to 80 percent of evangelical kids will backslide.‚ Even in the Bible Belt. What is going on? Why are Christian losses growing while Christian converts are decreasing?

    ""Untethered"" ...