Mr. &; Mrs. Brown...have been bringing God's creation under the ocean to children and adults nationwide for over 30 years. They are experts on the ocean environment with over 40 years of experience exploring the oceans of the world. Wayne and Karen bring their expertise as marine researchers, Arctic &; Antarctic Expedition Guides, educators, and award-winning photographers to ocean Explorer shows. Knowledgeable, articulate and enthusiastic, the Browns have been featured nationally and internationally on TV, radio, the Internet, and in magazines, books, and newspapers.
Up Next in Young Explorers Season 1 Digital - Box Set
October 2022: Zebroids
2022 october: Meet Zoe and Cletus! our zebroids live in the Ararat Ridge Zoo at the Ark Encounter.
Watch all of our 2022 calendar videos! -
October 2023: Jesus Appears To Thomas
Thomas answered him, My Lord and my God!‚ Jesus said to him, Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.‚ John:28 - 29 (ESV)
One Blood, One Race: The origin of Ra...
Because much of the church has adopted the secular world's teachings regarding the different races‚ and has not accepted the Biblical view, most Christians have lost a vital truth concerning the Scriptural teaching on the two spiritual races (but only one physical race), as opposed to the false i...
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