7/01 Rumors of War
Young Explorers Season 1 Digital - Box Set
NASA shows ten years of sun photos in one hour video; People accumulate genetic mutations at different rates; Maloney claims religious liberty means discrimination; one-third of Americans polled think civil war is likely; Dutch court gives no penalty to doctor who murdered rebellious patient; Researcher writes formula to estimate planets we don't see; Despite finding beetles more complex than expected, evolutionists still deny God; BBC credits nature, not God for the good viruses that make life possible; Naturalists intelligently design another experiment to prove they can make amino acids without an intelligent designer . . . and more in this July 1, 2020, broadcast of Answers News.
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Jesus answered them, ... you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet."
- Matthew 24:4-6
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Watch NASA's epic 10-year time lapse of our sun blazing in the heavens
The rate we acquire genetic mutations could help predict lifespan, fertility
House Dem claims religious liberty is a 'bogus term,' 'pretext for discrimination'
Poll: 34% of U.S. voters think 2nd civil war "likely" within next 5 years
Dutch Doctor Exonerated After Euthanizing An Unwilling Patient
As many as six billion Earth-like planets in our galaxy, according to new estimates
Chemistry behind bombardier beetle's extraordinary firepower
What if all viruses disappeared?
origin of life: Which came first?
Poll: Majority of voters oppose allowing biological males to join women's sports
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Photo by Timon Studler
Up Next in Young Explorers Season 1 Digital - Box Set
7/06 Embracing Sin As Identity
Mad hatterpillars keep their heads; Voters want women's sports for females; Court rules states cannot exclude religious schools; Evolutionists think they think like monkeys; Professors re-examine saber-tooth marsupial teeth; Hatmakers celebrate sin-based identity; ELCA asserts anti-biblical defin...
7/07 Can Elephants Inspire Engineers?
Baby boy born halfway through pregnancy celebrates his first birthday; IRS says Bible-quoters are too partisan to qualify for tax-exempt status; Researchers use infrared spectroscopes to find proteins in fossilized eggs; Evolutionists think the mass burial in the Haiyan Lagerstätte fossils ma...
7/08 Biblical Justice Is Personal
Bioengineers invent way to translate ASL; Pastors seek compromise with advocates who demand absolute affirmation; Naturalists choose sides on asteroid v. volcano dogma; ontario pastor declares he is a woman; African pastor warns ethnic gnosticism is a false religion; Atheist magazine labels peopl...