8/05 Scientist or Activist?
Young Explorers Season 1 Digital - Box Set
Slovenian biologists gather data from spider webs; Appeals court agrees with religious liberty for adoption agencies; Polish croc fossil forces evolutionists to change tale about tracks; Nature retracts paper about dinosaur birds; Another evolutionary deep-time story features squishy words; South American geologists demonstrate how naturalistic assumptions affect dating methods; Facebook says death threats do not violate its community standards, but judge sentences 21-year-old to prison . . . and more during this August 5, 2020, broadcast of Answers News.
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"For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools" Romans 1:21-22
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Spiderwebs gather DNA that can help us monitor insects in forests
Appeals court ruling for adoption agency applauded
Fossil tracks: Wrong number of fingers leads down wrong track
Hummingbird-size dinosaur may actually be a lizard
Tiny mammals once scavenged meat from giant dinosaur carcasses
Study sheds light on the evolution of the earliest dinosaurs
FL man sentenced to federal prison for threats against Christian group on Facebook, media platform ignores post
Killing your unborn baby to keep ‘bikini body’? No abortion too frivolous for feminists
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Photo from Global climate change strike in Nuremberg by Markus Spiske
Up Next in Young Explorers Season 1 Digital - Box Set
8/09 Should States Control Education?
Policeman frees garbage thief; Evolutionists speculate about creepy feelings; Postdoctoral fellow jumps on the birds-are-dinosaurs bandwagon; American Medical Association declares birth certificates should not include sex; British socialists oppose undocumented homeschooling; School in Minnesota...
8/10 Kettle Insists Pot Is Filthy
Beetles escape frogs the hard way; Trans activists target evolutionary biologist; Museum bows to identity politics; Dinosaur with cancer buried in a flood; Geologists create computer models to bolster faith in water on Mars; NFL encourages players to join protests but will cut pay if players get ...
8/11 Can Broken Pots Prove God Spoke?
California regulations on animal welfare impact US pork supply; Philistine skeletons DNA suggests European ancestry; Evolutionists publish peer-reviewed kleptotrichy paper about bird behavior that has been on YouTube for years; Fiji's rugby team praises Jesus for Olympic gold; Polish team's metal...