4/13 Wake Up Call
Young Explorers Season 1 Digital - Box Set
Residents jury rig pizza elevator; Deer wander streets of Calgary; Americans sense opportunity to repent; Americans buy more Bibles; Paleontologist earn money by changing their story... often; Climate alarmists leverage Covid-19; Activist arrested at field hospital; Eight activists arrested outside abortion clinic; Space writers speculate about Mars; Ice cores expose roots from Antarctic forest . . . and more in today's episode of Answers News.
Up Next in Young Explorers Season 1 Digital - Box Set
4/15 New Human Species Found
Deaf frogs glow; Professor says UFos come from future; Yale Law discriminates against minority viewpoint in the name of tolerance; Filipino cave bones challenge out-of-Africa dogma . . . and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast from the Creation Museum.
4/18 When to Use the Bible
Pro-infanticide, but anti-animal cruelty, When to use the Bible, Billboard promotes murder, redefining historical figures, a many-armed sea monster . . . and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast from the Ark Encounter with Ken Ham and Dr. Georgia Purdom.
4/20 Sir! Yes, sir!
Flaming vicar; Volcanic Mars; Buried rainforest; Neutered soldiers; Boastful governors; Productive neanderthalsÉ and more during todayÕs broadcast of Answers News.