Patricia Engler's 360 in 180 Adventure Around the World
Hidden Dragons Serpent Worship in Thailand
Season 1, Episode 11
Its tongues erupting like cannon blasts from their fanged fortresses, the seven-headed serpent dragon gaped at me through 14 lifeless eyes. My gaze shifted down the scaly necks to the table where incense burned alongside flowers and drink offerings set before the beast, which locals revere as the phyanaga, king of deified serpent demons...
Up Next in Season 1
Bowing to Statues; Becoming monks Ch...
You seem to have a big problem,‚ observed one of the pastors as I struggled to grasp the raw meat, with chopsticks!‚
I smiled a sheepish smile. You'd think that chopstick brandishing would be easier by now, given my earlier run-in with raw squid in Japan. Maybe after another couple of weeks her...
Finding Christian Students in a Commu...
I paid for two nights, ascended several flights of stairs, and came to room #312. The door, swinging inwards, just had space to clear the bed which occupied most of the floor. Windows filled the adjacent wall, beyond which I could see the outline of a multi-peaked temple etched against the dark s...
Hinduism and Evolution ‚- An Introduc...
Why is that dude looking into our car?
From my vantage point in the front seat, I surveyed the dusty streets, congested traffic, roadside vendors‚ and a figure gazing steadily in our direction, a knitted hat pulled low to his eyebrows.
He's coming towards us.
Remembering a story my mom onc...