Answers for Pastors Conf 2019:One Race, One Blood: Biblical & Scientific Answers
Answers for Pastors Conf 2019:One Race, One Blood: Biblical & Scientific Answers
How should Christians deal with issues of racism? Is it “race relations” or should it be called “grace relations”? Discover biblical and scientific answers to the issues of “race,” racism, and prejudice from our 2019 Answers for Pastors and Christian Leaders’ conference.
One Race, one Blood: Biblical and Scientific Answers Trailer
How should Christians deal with issues of racism?
Genesis, Foundations, and Races, Part 1 - Ken Ham
Genetics confirms there biologically only one race of humans. Ken Ham presents part one of "Genesis, Foundations, and Races."
Genesis, Foundations, and Races, Part 2 - Ken Ham
Darwin, evolution, and racismand the biblical answer.
The Gospel to All Nations: Re-Hitching‚ Missions to Genesis - Joe owen
Do we need the old Testament to share the gospel or just the resurrection of Christ?
Ape-men, Adam, and the Gospel - Dr. Terry Mortenson
How does your view of human origins impact your view of the gospel?
Are Humans and Chimps Related? - Dr. Georgia Purdom
You've heard the claim that chimps and humans share 98% DNA similarity. Is that true? Are we related?
Part One: Alienated by the Fall - Voddie Bauchum
In the fall, we weren't just alienated from God‚ the perfect relationship between people was broken.
Part Two: Reconciled in Christ - Voddie Bauchum
We can only be truly reconciled to each other, when we are first reconciled to God through Christ.
Grace Not Race Relations - Dr. Charles Ware
We hear a lot about race relations.‚ But maybe that's not what we really need.
We're one Blood Music Video - Buddy Davis
Buddy Davis sings We're one Blood.
I Wish the World Could Love Like Them - Buddy Davis
Buddy Davis sings I Wish the World Could Love Like Them.
It's Still the Cross - Pastor Johnny Hunt
What is the answer to racial tension, prejudice, and past wrongs? The cross of Jesus Christ.