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Christian Unity and the Age of the Earth

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S2E3 The Tireless Dragon of Old

Relevance of Genesis

Up Next in Relevance of Genesis

  • Christian Unity and the Age of the Earth

    Jesus Christ is not just God of the gospels; He’s God of the entire Bible. True unity, based in Jesus, means defending God’s Word from the very first verse!

  • Six Days

    Eisegesis? Ken Ham gets to the heart of the debate about the six days of creation. If we read from what the biblical text says (exegesis), it allows only one interpretation—six 24-hour days. Any other interpretation is eisegesis (“reading into” the Bible).

  • The Relevance of Genesis for Today‚Äô...

    If we want our children to be able to stand, they need to know how to think foundationally from God's Word and be able to defend the Christian faith.