Was Adam the First Human? - Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson
Research Biology with Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson
Does modern genetics refute the existence of a literal Adam and Eve? Within the last decade, critics of young-earth creation have increasingly made this claim. Does it stand up to scrutiny? Do we all go back to one original couple? or do we descend from a population of ancestors?
Up Next in Research Biology with Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson
Nathaniel Jeanson's Book: Replacing D...
Nathaniel Jeanson's Book: Replacing Darwin
Traced: Human DNA's Big Surprise
Simon Turpin interviews geneticist Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson about the new book Traced.
What happened to the ancient Egyptians? The Persians? The Romans? The Mayans? Are we their descendants? Recent genetic discoveries are uncovering surprising links between us and the peoples of oldlinks that rewri...
Fitting the Animals onto the Ark - Cr...
Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson talks about Fitting the Animals on the Ark: Creationists & Hyper-Evolution.