Answers for Women Conference 2020: Sacred
9 Episodes
God designed our sexuality to be sacred and beautiful. Our culture is battling this reality and hurting countless women. Learn how can we point people to God’s Word and the gospel.
32:36Episode 1
Defined by Grace - Emily Thomes
Episode 1
Hear Emily Thomes story, and how Christians can effectively reach out to the LGBTQ community with the only true message of freedom, the gospel of Jesus Christ.
1:31:22Episode 2
How to Rise Above Abuse - June Hunt
Episode 2
Discover compassionate and profoundly helpful insights from God's Word to heal from abuse, expose abuse, and prevent abuse.
How to Talk to our Children & Teens About the Sexual Revolution - Heidi St. John
Episode 3
With humor and passion, popular author & podcaster Heidi St. John reminds us that bold lies must be countered with bold truth.
Marriage, Complementarity & the Gospel - Amanda Peacock
Episode 4
Today, words like headship and submission, leader and helper are imbued with negative connotations. Are these biblical truths and directives old-fashioned, antiquated notions of patriarchy? or are they still truths we are called to cling to, even in our modern context?
Redeeming Broken Sexuality - Phylicia Masonheimer
Episode 5
our sexuality is beautiful, and there's freedom from shame by the cross of Christ. Discover practical application for this profound truth in this presentation filmed at an Answers for Women Conference.
57:08Episode 6
The Lie of Pornography - Rose Colon
Episode 6
Is it possible for a woman caught in the grip of pornography to return to God's sacred design for sexuality? Find practical teaching and application in this presentation.
Transgender Transition - Dr. owen Strachan
Episode 7
Are we male and female? Is gender on a spectrum? Can a man become a woman or a woman a man? What does God's Word have to say about the gender revolution of our day? God knows all and His Word is not silent!
Why Genesis Matters for a Biblical Worldview of Sexuality - Ken Ham
Episode 8
Sexuality is grounded in God's original design of male and female and the unique one-flesh union of marriage between one man and one woman. Without the foundation of a literal Genesis, we're lost.
Are People Born Gay? (2019) - Dr. Georgia Purdom
Episode 9
We need to lovingly show that, regardless of feelings, the choice to embrace any sexual lifestyle other than God's design for marriage is sin, and as with any sin, the only hope for deliverance is the redeeming work of God's grace offered through his Son Jesus Christ.