Schoolhouse Rocked

Schoolhouse Rocked

Yvette Hampton talks with guests, including cast members from the film, speakers, authors, pastors, educators, curriculum publishers, and REAL moms and dads with families and stories just like yours, to discuss homeschooling, parenting, and family discipleship encouragement and advice. Each show shares practical advice to help point our children to Christ, build a solid Biblical worldview, teach effectively, preserve our marriages, manage our homes, and approach child-rearing and discipline issues with a heart-centered focus that will result in confident, biblically-minded, wise, well-balanced adults.

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Schoolhouse Rocked
  • Homeschooling Isn't the Gospel

    In this episode of Schoolhouse Rocked, Yvette Hampton and Amy Sloan discuss how homeschooling is the tool and not the savior of your children; Jesus alone is. When you take a good thing, like homeschooling, and you make it the most important thing, it actually becomes an idol. It comes between ...

  • Demonstrating the Gospel in our Homes

    How do we help our kids to see that the gospel is what brings peace and hope into homeschooling? In this episode of Schoolhouse Rocked, Yvette Hampton and Amy Sloan discuss how to bring Christ to the center of homeschool through faithful demonstration every day.

  • Meeting the Individual Spiritual Needs of our Children

    God created our children so uniquely and each is so different. In this episode of Schoolhouse Rocked, Yvette Hampton and Amy Sloan discuss how we can meet the individual spiritual needs of our children; it begins with praying to the Lord for wisdom and being humble to listen.

  • The Role of the Holy Spirit in Homeschooling

    The Holy Spirit is life-giving through the world of God as it comes into our homeschools. In this episode of Schoolhouse Rocked, Yvette Hampton and Amy Sloan discuss how the Holy Spirit is what gives light, not picking the right curriculum or following the right formula for homeschooling. As told...

  • 4 Marks of a Thriving Marriage

    Marriages that thrive are where husbands and wives have a core bedrock of common convictions from where they build their family's foundation.
    How do you not just survive your marriage, but truly thrive in your marriage? In this episode of Schoolhouse Rocked, Yvette Hampton and Bob Lepine discuss...

  • Advice for Husbands and Wives in Struggling Marriages

    Husbands and wives struggling in marriages are reminded to focus on what God has called us to do in Ephesians 5, "Love your wife as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her." In this episode, Yvette Hampton and Bob Lepine bring guidance and encouragement to husbands and wives as we ar...

  • Biggest Challenges in Marriages

    The challenge for most of our marriages is we are selfish people married to selfish people. In this episode, Yvette Hampton and Bob Lepine discuss the challenges in marriages. In marriages, often someone has gotten fixated on doing things 'my way' instead of God's way. Philippians 2:3 says, "Do...

  • Building Strong Marriages as Parents

    What is the formula for building strong marriages as parents and having children who walk with the Lord and thrive? In this episode, Yvette Hampton and Bob Lepine discuss how parents often have a fear and insecurity in their parenting, but the truth is there is no one size fits all 'formula' for...

  • Extravagant Love, Generous Forgiveness

    Extravagant love is where we are committed to putting the other person's good ahead of our own needs and goals. In this episode, Yvette Hampton and Bob Lepine discuss extravagant love and generous forgiveness through the demonstration of commitment and faithfulness to one another. 1 Corinthians ...

  • The Cultural Mega-Shift in Marriage

    There has been a cultural mega-shift in marriage in terms of how we define and understand it. In this episode, Yvette Hampton and Bob Lepine discuss how the culture around us has influenced this shift in the path to marriage. We live in a culture where we are quicker to say, if we are not gettin...

  • The Real Problem in Failing Marriages

    Is your spouse an evil person, are they a fool, or are they an average sinner just like you are and the conflicts you have come because sinners sin? In this episode, Yvette Hampton and Bob Lepine discuss how the enemy of our soul is trying to destroy our family, destroy our kids and how we can ke...

  • What Do We Do When We're Both Right

    What do we do when both of us are certain we are right about something? In this episode, Yvette Hampton and Bob Lepine discuss how to deal with issues when you come to an impasse when we are challenged by different priorities or values as to what is 'right'.

  • Do I Have a Biblical Worldview

    Everyone has a worldview that is their decision making filter. Christians need a solid, biblical worldview in order to pass it on to our children. Yvette Hampton and Dr. George Barna discuss the importance of having a biblical worldview and not letting the culture deceive them.

  • Encouragement for Raising Spiritual Champions

    In a culture that resists Jesus, how do you raise children to be disciples of Jesus? Yvette Hampton and Dr. George Barna discuss how consistency, even when conflicts arise, is critical for parents as they raise their children to know, love, and serve God. Parents should never compromise God's pr...

  • How Do We Develop Biblical Worldview In our Children

    Recent research showed that most kids in America no longer trust their parents regarding worldview. In this episode, Yvette Hampton and Dr George Barna discuss the importance of establishing a relationship built on trust when discipling our children in order to develop a biblical worldview in them.

  • Seven Cornerstones of a Biblical Worldview

    Research has shown that only two percent of parents of kids under the age of 13 have a biblical worldview, and only four percent of born again parents have a biblical worldview. In this episode, Yvette Hampton and Dr George Barna discuss the seven cornerstones of a biblical worldview. By embrac...

  • Who is Shaping the Worldview of our Children

    Who is shaping the worldview of our children?Join Yvette Hampton and Dr. George Barna as they discuss the outsourcing of responsibility and the shaping our children's worldview. Parent's and churches are not shepherding or focused on shaping the worldview of children. Most parents are busy and e...

  • Homeschooled by a High School Dropout

    How can a high school dropout homeschool their child? Join Yvette Hampton and Israel Wayne as they discuss the basic understanding that homeschooling isn't about teaching everything in life. Providing the foundational tools of education like reading, reasoning, study skills, etc. is important an...

  • Homeschooling is not Schooling at Home

    How do you get through homeschooling with the best results? In this episode, Yvette Hampton and Israel Wayne discuss that homeschooling is not schooling at home and replicating what is done in schools. Homeschooling is more than doing academics - it is parenting and relationships and academics i...

  • Education is Not About Information

    In Deuteronomy 6, God has charged parents with teaching their children at all times. In this episode, Yvette Hampton and Israel Wayne discuss how most people who homeschool view homeschooling as doing academics at home. Israel discusses his view of homeschooling as "parenting" and that the academ...

  • Children are Not Standardized

    Sometimes geniuses don't do well on tests. Do standardized tests really identify performance success or do they create a sense of failure in the child?

    In this episode, Yvette Hampton and Israel Wayne discuss standardized tests and whether it identifies a child's success or failure in life. In...

  • Homeschooling is Parenting and Discipleship

    Parents need to focus on the"why" of homeschool first and then foremost they are also called to disciple their children. In this episode, Yvette Hampton and Kristin Clover discuss the many struggles parents have and how it all come back to parenting issues or putting the responsibility on the sc...

  • How do we Transition from School to HoMESCHooL?

    How do we transition from school to homeschool? The biggest recommendation is to spend a good amount of time getting back to being a family. In this episode, Yvette Hampton and Kristi Clover discuss how to learn from things around you to add new, fun ways to learn. It's important to know the r...

  • How to Start Homeschooling

    Knowing how to homeschool begins with knowing the "Why." What are the foundations for homeschooling?

    In this episode, Yvette Hampton and Kristi Clover discuss setting the foundation and identifying the goal for homeschool. Ecclesiastes 12:13 and Deuteronomy 6:4-9 are foundational for parenting...