Schoolhouse Rocked

Schoolhouse Rocked

Yvette Hampton talks with guests, including cast members from the film, speakers, authors, pastors, educators, curriculum publishers, and REAL moms and dads with families and stories just like yours, to discuss homeschooling, parenting, and family discipleship encouragement and advice. Each show shares practical advice to help point our children to Christ, build a solid Biblical worldview, teach effectively, preserve our marriages, manage our homes, and approach child-rearing and discipline issues with a heart-centered focus that will result in confident, biblically-minded, wise, well-balanced adults.

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Schoolhouse Rocked
  • Teach the Fundamentals

    What happens when your child gets frustrated and doesn't understand the fundamentals. In this episode, Yvette Hampton and Kristi Clover discuss the importance of focusing on the fundamentals. Sometimes you need to take a pause and go back to the fundamentals and make sure they have them down.

  • We're Going to Homeschool - What Next

    Getting the right curriculum is important, but your kids hearts and teaching them to love the Lord is most important. But what comes next? In this episode, Yvette Hampton and Kristi Clover talk about the importance of knowing why you are homeschooling. The next thing to do is to check the state...

  • You CAN Homeschool Your Kids

    You can homeschool your kids and it will be easier than you think. In this episode, Yvette Hampton and Kristi Clover discuss that sometimes you must take a step of faith and homeschool. Give your self grace and keep your eyes on Christ and you will get through your homeschool season and you wil...

  • Demonstrating The Gospel For our Kids

    From an early age we begin modeling spiritual principles in a natural context. In this episode, Yvette Hampton and Meeke Addison discuss that beyond the academics in homeschooling, the main purpose as parents is to lead our kids to Christ and the love of Jesus. Teaching the gospel starts within ...

  • How Should We Talk About Homeschooling With Our Friends

  • The Foundation for Our Faith

  • The Truth about Sheltered Homeschool Children

    Parents can attempt to shelter their homeschool children, but as soon as they walk into the culture around them, they are bombarded with lies disguised as truth.

    In this episode, Yvette Hampson and Meeke Addison discuss how parents should be aware of what is going on in the culture and how to ...

  • This is WHY We are DIfferent

    What do you do when your child says, "Why do we have to be so different?" How do you debunk the idea that they are peculiar or the weird one? How do you help them navigate through this?

    In this episode, Yvette Hampton and Meeke Addison bring insight on how to navigate through the times when the...

  • Why Did Americans Stop Believing in God

    Why did American children stop believing in God? There is a direct connection to children becoming less religious and the secularization in our society. In this episode, Yvette Hampton and Meeke Addison discuss how exposure to the secularization in our culture and government education has become...

  • Why Do Christians Have to Be Different

    When our children ask "Why do Christians have to be different?", we need to take them back to scripture because how we live has an impact on them. In this episode, Yvette Hampton and Meeke Addison discuss how parents are called to live a life for them and with them that embodies scripture. To do ...

  • How Do We Obey When We Don't Know How Things Will Turn Out?

    When things are not clear, how do we obey when we don't know how things will turn out? In this episode, Yvette Hampton and Rachael Carman discuss how we need to have the perspective that "we do know how things will turn out" because Jesus is victorious. There are things that God asks us to do. H...

  • Perspective Matters - Starting out Thinking She Was Trapped

    Perspectives matter in what we see and what we do and they can change throughout the homeschool experience. In this episode, Yvette Hampton and Rachael Carman discuss the change in perspective that God brought to Rachael from when she started homeschooling 26 years ago and looking back as she ne...

  • Gaining Godly Perspective

    How do we get started with the right perspective? In this episode, Yvette Hampton and Rachael Carman discuss how to gain the Godly perspective when the world is weighing down on you or your surrounded by chaos. Sometimes we need to step back and look up and understand that God sees and He can be ...

  • We CAN'T do it by ourselves

    Homeschooling is not something you do on your own. In this episode, Yvette Hampton and Rachael Carman discuss that when you realize that you cannot do it on your own, perspectives change and the focus turns to your need for God to guide you through the homeschool journey.

  • The Biggest Blessing of Home Education

    The biggest blessings of home education is getting to know God and knowing his goodness and faithfulness. In this episode, Yvette Hampton and Rachael Carman discuss how home education is the biggest blessing through learning and knowing who God is.

  • Developing a Wholesome Fear of God

    As a nation we've lost the fear of the Lord. By developing a wholesome fear of God we depart from evil. In this episode Yvette Hampton and Ray Comfort discuss how we no longer have a fear of the Lord or respect the Ten Commandments. As parents, we need to instill a wholesome fear of the Lord but...

  • The Answer to the Problem of Death

    What is the answer to the problem of death - the fear of death? In this episode, Yvette Hampton and Ray Comfort discuss how we need to believe in God, follow the ten commandments and believe that Jesus paid for our sins and if you repent you will have everlasting life.

  • What is the Good News of the Gospel

    Yvette and Ray discuss how to share the good news of the gospel and why we need to be saved. In this episode, Yvette Hampton and Ray Comfort discuss how to share the gospel to others to show them who God is, what God did for them.