Have you ever thought about blasting off into space? What is a rocket and what makes it go? Mr. P is joined by a space engineer, "Rocket" Rob Webb. In this episode, Mr. P and "Rocket" Rob will help you understand more about rockets and the force needed to launch it into space to overcome gravity.
In the experiments, Mr P uses a stomp rocket, a pill bottle rocket to illustrate different forces that can launch the rocket into the air. on location, Mr. P and "Rocket" Rob (and of course Claude) take you to a park with a compression rocket to demonstrate some awesome launches.
Up Next in Season 5
S5E9 Spreading Life Down Low
In Genesis 1:11-13 we read that God created the vegetation, plants and trees and they were designed to reproduce after its own kind. In this episode, Roger Patterson and Naleah Sauder talk about plants that grow low to the ground and the ways that God has invented to spread the seeds to reproduc...
S5E10 Spreading Life up High
Genesis 1:11-13 tells us that God created the "vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed." In this episode, Mr. P and Naleah Saunder discuss trees and the various seeds they yield and how they spread them. Some seeds are covered while others are not. ...
S5E11 Who Goes There?
S5E11 Who Goes There?