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Up Next in Season 5

  • S5E10 Spreading Life up High

    Genesis 1:11-13 tells us that God created the "vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed." In this episode, Mr. P and Naleah Saunder discuss trees and the various seeds they yield and how they spread them. Some seeds are covered while others are not. ...

  • S5E11 Who Goes There?

    S5E11 Who Goes There?

  • S5E12 Hands on: Making Tracks

    In Episode 11, we learned how to find tracks and identify them. In this hands-on episode, Mr. P and Naleah Saunder take a look at different tools that can be used to collect animals to see them (like trail cameras). on location, we see a demonstration on creating plaster casts for animal tracks t...