Learn about the amazing variety of fruits . . . even the ones you call vegetables. Mr. P and Dr. Hall-Rivera unlock the sciences of pomology and olericulture. When God created, "The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good." - Genesis 1:12
Photo by Reiseuhu
Up Next in Unlocking Science
S2E38 Ears That Hear
Ears That Hear -- How do ears work? Curious scientists discover details. Mr. P and Dr. Menton get in our heads and find a body of evidence that balance, hearing and communication are not accidents. God created listening.
Photo by Irina Murza
https://unsplash.com/photos/ZvwjAhc6WFo -
S2E39 Hands on: Fruit Dissection
Fruits carry seeds so that plants can reproduce after their kind. Mr. P and Dr. Hall-Rivera show you how to dissect fruits. With curiosity and simple tools you can learn things about God's creation that most people miss.
Download instructions for today's experiment at:
https://answersingenesis.... -
S2E40 Unlocking Science - Season 2 Fi...
Mr. P (and Claude) post an update about wrapping up Season 2 of Unlocking Science. Looking forward to an upgraded Season 3!
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