Sea Kids
13 Episodes
Freddy, David, Melissa, and their friends find themselves navigating the rough waters of peer pressure, temptation, fear, dealing with bullies, lack of self-esteem, and so much more. Each episode shows the characters praying to Jesus, asking Him for guidance and wisdom.
Sea Kids - Respect & Sharing (Episode 1)
Episode 1
Episode 1
The Respect Effect - A Lesson About Respect
Marcus falsely promises to teach David his bubble burst skill. As David waits to learn this skill, Marcus becomes a bad influence on David.
Deuteronomy 5:16Sharing is Caring - A Lesson About Sharing
Twin sisters, June and January, like to ... -
Sea Kids - Teamwork & Friendship (Episode 2)
Episode 2
Episode 2
Unique Gifts - A Lesson About Teamwork
Carter wants to play basketball but Marcus thinks Carter is too little and not fast enough. Carter demonstrates his winning skills and Marcus demands that Carter be on his team next time.
1 Corinthians 12:17-18Better Together - A Lesson About F...
Sea Kids - organization & Stewardship (Episode 3)
Episode 3
Episode 3
Cleanliness is Next to Godliness - A Lesson About organization
Susie can be very messy and lazy. She learns there are consequences for disobedience and rewards for obedience.
Colossians 3:23-24This is My Father's World - A Lesson About Stewardship
Freddy is a litterbug. He prays to J... -
Sea Kids - Temperance & Contentment (Episode 4)
Episode 4
Episode 4
Too Much Screen Time - A Lesson About Temperance
Carter would rather play with his video game than with his friends. He looks around his lonely room and prays to Jesus thanking him for his friends and asking Jesus to help him to spend time with his family and friends.
Psalm 119:36-37...
Sea Kids - Communication & Integrity (Episode 5)
Episode 5
Episode 5
Love is the Best Policy - A Lesson About Communication
Susie doesn't want to tell a lie and her brutal honesty has caused her friends, teachers, and family to become angry with her. Susie prays to Jesus. asking for help to tell the truth lovingly.
Ephesians 4:15Bible Challenge - A Le...
Sea Kids - Kindness & Fellowship (Episode 6)
Episode 6
Episode 6
The New Babysitter - A Lesson About Kindness
David is not happy having a new babysitter. David and Carter decide to behave badly. The new babysitter exhibits the Fruit of patience and kindness and they all enjoy a huge banana split together as a peace offering.
Galatians 5:22Church i...
Sea Kids - Responsibility & Preparedness (Episode 7)
Episode 7
Episode 7
Praying tor Puppy - A Lesson About Responsibility
Susie tells her parents that she is responsible enough to take care of a puppy but is devastated and prays to Jesus when she loses him.
Ephesians 6:6-7Practice Makes Pretty Perfect - A Lesson About Preparedness
Mandy never wants to pr... -
Sea Kids - Contentment & obedience (Episode 8)
Episode 8
Episode 8
Friends First - A Lesson About Contentment
Melissa is saving her pennies for a new bubble toy. Melissa let's Susie use the toy and it's accidently broken. Both girls learn friendship is more important than toys.
Philippians 4:11,13Safety First - A Lesson About obedience
David disobey... -
24:01Episode 9
Sea Kids - Grace & Courage (Episode 9)
Episode 9
Episode 9
Grudge or Grace - A Lesson About Grace
June holds a grudge against her friends. After hearing God's word about letting go of anger, she apologizes to her friends and they apologize for not including her in their class group.
Ephesians 4:31Faith over Fear - A Lesson About Courage
Cart... -
Sea Kids - Listening & Truthfulness (Episode 10)
Episode 10
Episode 10
The Color of Attention - A Lesson About Listening
Melissa has a problem paying attention. She prays to Jesus to help her pay attention, to listen, and to obey the rules.
Proverbs 15:32once Lost, Now Found - A Lesson About Truthfulness
David takes a ball that belongs to Christian. Af... -
24:01Episode 11
Sea Kids - Worrying & Patience (Episode 11)
Episode 11
Episode 11
The Worrier - A Lesson About Worrying
Coach Crab is a worrier and when bad weather threatens to derail his tournament, he loses sleep. The Sea Kids pray to Jesus and prayers are answered as the tournament is very successful.
Philippians 4:6Stop and Smell the Patience - A Lesson Abou...
24:01Episode 12
Sea Kids - Humility & Wisdom (Episode 12)
Episode 12
Episode 12
Let others Shine - A Lesson About Humility
Freddy tries out for the lead part in the school play, boasting that he is the best choice. He prays to Jesus, asking to be more like John the Baptist as a humble servant.
James 4:6Knowledge is the Best Treasure - A Lesson About Wisdom
Marc... -
Sea Kids - Fearfulness & Acceptance (Episode 13)
Episode 13
Episode 13
Scaredy Crab - A Lesson About Fearfulness
The Sea Kids are frightened by a storm. June, January and Mandy are fearful during a sleepover. The Sea Kids learn faith can overcome fear.
Psalm 27:1A Shocking Fib - A Lesson About Acceptance
Freddy spreads a lie about Slim. Slim prays to J...