The Biblical Response to the Current Race Issues Gripping our Nation
Social Issues & Worldview
Watch this 30-minute synopsis from Ken Ham given to the AiG staff: The Biblical Response to the Current Race‚ Issues Gripping our Nation.
Up Next in Social Issues & Worldview
S2E1 2021 Here We Stand
Ken declares our allegiance to Jesus Christ, and to the authority of His Word regardless of political and cultural changes in 2021. During this Answers in Genesis staff meeting, Ken boldly affirms our statement of faith. We will continue to take public stands for a young earth, a global flood, bi...
S2E12 Divided Nation has arrived!
Bryan talks with Ken about the new book, Divided Nation. The battle between God's Word and man's word has been waged for thousands years. Which side are you on?
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Ken Ham Responds to COVID-19
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