Here, we have a time-lapse video showing the development of our Lesson 145 Theme Poster for Answers Bible Curriculum! In Matthew 12:22 - 28, the Pharisees accuse Jesus of casting out demons by Satan's power. This poster illustrates Jesus' response saying that a kingdom divided against itself will not stand, which is why his miracles had to be from God rather than Satan. Watch as the artist constructs a quick 3D sketch of a castle then takes that model and draws on top of it for the finished illustration! Learn more at Music by Seeds Family Worship:
Up Next in Speed Painting Bible Lessons
S1E2 Jesus Walking on Water / Huge Ca...
Check out the process to create one of our curriculum's lesson theme posters! In this time-lapse video of Lesson 147's poster, see the miracles of Jesus come to life as he walked on the water (Matthew 14:22 - 27) and brought Simon Peter a huge catch of fish (Luke 5:4 - 7) to show his power over c...
S1E3 Jesus is Transfigured
Here we have a time-lapse video showing the development of the Lesson 152 Theme Poster for Answers Bible Curricululm. This scene depicts Jesus' transfiguration (Matthew 17:1 - 6) where Peter, James, and John witness Jesus' radiant glory and the appearance of two old Testament heroes. Can you use ...
S1E4 Jesus Said I am
Take a look at the time-lapse video of our Lesson 153 Theme Poster! In this lesson, we learn the different I am‚ statements Jesus made, calling himself the light of the world, the bread of life, the door, the good shepherd, and the resurrection and the life. The final picture shows that Jesus is ...