The History & Impact of the Book The Genesis Flood
As coauthor of the groundbreaking book, The Genesis Flood, Whitcomb shares about God's hand in the book's grassroots success and intriguing background about his collaboration with coauthor, the late Dr. Henry Morris.
Dr. Andrew Snelling's Tribute to Dr. John Whitcomb
Dr. Andrew Snelling pays tribute to Dr. John Whitcomb.
John Clement Whitcomb Jr. was an American theologian and young Earth creationist. Along with Henry M. Morris, he wrote The Genesis Flood, which influenced many conservative American Christians to adopt flood geology.
Dr. Terry Mortenson's Tribute to Dr. John Whitcomb
Dr. Terry Mortenson pays tribute to Dr. John Whitcomb.
John Clement Whitcomb Jr. was an American theologian and young Earth creationist. Along with Henry M. Morris, he wrote The Genesis Flood, which influenced many conservative American Christians to adopt flood geology.
Ken Ham's Tribute to Dr. John Whitcomb
Ken Ham pays tribute to Dr. John Whitcomb.
John Clement Whitcomb Jr. was an American theologian and young Earth creationist. Along with Henry M. Morris, he wrote The Genesis Flood, which influenced many conservative American Christians to adopt flood geology.