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Up Next in Season 3: The Wild Way

  • S3E7 Finding Flipper

    We've recently been going out for walks in the woods close to where we are living, and we often go for walks with our grandpa. on a recent walk, Hudson lost one of his favorite flip flops that he bought when we were in Bali. In this episode of The Wild Way, we head out into the woods again to try...

  • S3E8 Car Wash

    Come along with us as we wash one of our cars in the latest episode of The Wild Way. Learn the backstory of this car and how God has always provided for our family over the years with Asher. Then join us for an intense game of badminton between Asher and Hudson. Who's going to win?

  • S3E9 Fishing for Small Fries

    Climb aboard the boat with us as we head out on the water with our grandpa and our cousin, Logan. We're on the hunt for bait fish that we will use for a future red snapper fishing trip. We'd really like to catch some cigar minnows. What will we find on this trip?