Time Lab Contemporary Songs
2 Seasons
Sing along and learn the motions to catchy tunes from Time Lab, an Answers VBS, recorded in a contemporary style.
03:18Episode 1
Glory Be to Jesus
Episode 1
Use these exciting song motion videos to supplement your Time Lab experience! Great for use during VBS assemblies and lessons, and long after VBS has ended.
02:35Episode 2
Fairest Lord Jesus
Episode 2
Use these exciting song motion videos to supplement your Time Lab experience! Great for use during VBS assemblies and lessons, and long after VBS has ended.
02:20Episode 4
Alpha and omega
Episode 4
Use these exciting song motion videos to supplement your Time Lab experience! Great for use during VBS assemblies and lessons, and long after VBS has ended.
02:22Episode 5
Rock of Ages
Episode 5
Use these exciting song motion videos to supplement your Time Lab experience! Great for use during VBS assemblies and lessons, and long after VBS has ended.
03:27Episode 6
Light of the World
Episode 6
Use these exciting song motion videos to supplement your Time Lab experience! Great for use during VBS assemblies and lessons, and long after VBS has ended.
02:37Episode 7
High Places
Episode 7
Use these exciting song motion videos to supplement your Time Lab experience! Great for use during VBS assemblies and lessons, and long after VBS has ended.
02:29Episode 8
Jesus Reigns
Episode 8
Use these exciting song motion videos to supplement your Time Lab experience! Great for use during VBS assemblies and lessons, and long after VBS has ended.