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4/26 Are Minority Babies Targeted?

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4/26 Are Minority Babies Targeted?

Cat protests gender pronouns; Gar fish biology reduces time available for evolution; Humanists punish Dawkins for challenging group-think; Woke CEO admits racism of Planned Parenthood's founder; Most abortions kill minority children; Evolutionists admit five tyrannosaurs died together in a single...

4/28 Who Is Paying for Baby Parts?

Unknown creature filmed in backyard; Woke activist complains about dog cartoon; Xavier Becerra aborts Ethics Advisory Board that limited research on fetuses; report documents US government buying and trafficking parts from aborted babies; Evolutionists stoke their fears of man-made climate catast...

5/03 Are Fears Preventing Families?

Sign war breaks out in Virginia town; Iranian programs beetle algorithm that solves engineering problems; Climate alarmists hesitate to have children; Koonin reveals why climate science is unsettled; Coffee plant variant productive in more climates; Media anticipates summer release of UFO report...