Four boys, five girls, and new mother, Halima Cisse, are doing well; Large US adoption agency says placing black children with white parents is racist; More hospitals succeed with in utero surgeries; Grizzlies and polar bears are cross-breeding in the wild; New barite dating method may upset evolutionary timelines; Fossil genetics change crocodile family tree . . . and other stories reviewed during this May 12, 2021, broadcast of Answers News.
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But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, Abba! Father!‚
- - - - - - - - - - - Galatians 4:4-6
Nonuplets: Woman from Mali gives birth to nine babies
Christian Adoption Agency opposes Interracial Adoptions
32 Babies Had Surgery to Fix Spina Bifida While Still in the Womb and are Born Healthy
Pizzly' bear hybrids are spreading across the Arctic thanks to climate change
Earth's crust is way, way older than we thought
Extinct 'horned' crocodile gets new spot in the tree of life
Big-brained' mammals may just have small bodies, study suggests
From Best Friends to Platonic Spouses
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Photo by Benji Aird
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Up Next in 2021: April - June
5/17 Does the Bible Define Bishop?
French cave-dwellers emerge after 40 days; ELCA elects woman who insists she is not a woman to serve as bishop; Chaplain sues Christian school that fired him for insensitivity to gender identity and sexual orientation; Neuroscientists admit evolutionary assumptions inhibited study of cerebellum; ...
5/24 Will Killing Increase Happiness?
Stone arch named after Darwin collapses in front of tourists; Indiana court dismisses fired teacher's lawsuit against Catholic school; Baylor university chooses conformity over courage; Palaeoecologists admit to finding another living fossil; Dawkins says aborting blind, deaf, and Down syndrome b...
6/07 Can We Choose our Behavior?
Video shows one seagull air-surfing on another; Evolutionists design Hadron Collider QGP experiment to prop up Big Bang story; Professor argues homosexuals don't choose their behavior, therefore straight people should choose better behavior; Swedish Lutheran organization declares loyalty to LGBTQ...