What happened to the ancient Israelites? Has the genetic lineage of Abraham been extinguished? In this presentation, Dr. Jeanson shows new evidence that suggests a candidate for an Abrahamic lineageevidence which will appear in this year's forthcoming book on human history. He also shows work in progress that seems to explosively confirm the Genesis 10 description of Abraham's ancestry through Peleg, with wild implications for the ancestry of the rest of the globe.
A time of Q&;A follows the main presentation.
Up Next in Talking with Turpin Season 3
The Wonder of the Human Voice
The way the human voice works is a marvel of acoustic engineering. Award-winning engineer, Prof. Andy McIntosh will look at how the voice works both in speaking and singing, noting that the ability to sing with words is unique to humans and, supremely, there is one Voice which is unique above all...
The Hidden History of Humankind: Europe
Who gave rise to the peoples of Europe? What happened to the European peoples of old, like the Greeks and Romans? Far from being simple curiosities, the answers to these questions lie at the heart of the creation/evolution debate. Without the biblical timescale, it's almost impossible to solve th...
Answering Atheism
Atheism is a religion. The atheistic worldview compartmentalizes reality and then denies everything it has labeled supernatural.‚ Atheism is internally inconsistent. It fails to account for things it assumes are real, such as morality, science and reason.
Simon Turpin is the executive director ...