Whale gulps down then spits out fisherman; Gallup reports abortion survey results; Researcher challenges hype around declassified Unidentified Aerial Phenomena data; NYC Public Transit posts threatening signs; Edinburgh city council pays £25,000 fine for unlawfully canceling Christian conference; Evolutionists twist their story for temnospondyl backbone anatomy . . . and other stories reviewed during this June 21, 2021, broadcast of Answers News.
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For thus says the Lord,
Who created the heavens
He is God!
Who formed the earth and made it
He established it;
He did not create it empty,
He formed it to be inhabited!
I am the Lord, and there is no other."
- - - - - - - - - - - Isaiah 45:18
Cape Cod fisherman oK after whale gulps him down, spits him out
Record-High 47% in U.S. Think Abortion Is Morally Acceptable
I study UFos - and I don't believe the alien hype. Here's why
NYC Public Transit Posts Signs Threatening to Kill People Who are Disrespectful to Trans People
City pays over $35K to Christian ministry for canceling event over speaker's biblically-based views
Some early land-dwelling amphibians evolved back into aquatic species
Battle between moths, bats driving acoustical evolution
Interior Department Celebrates Flag Day by Raising Progress Pride' Flag
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Image by Artem Peretiatko
iStock / Getty Image #1204927819
Up Next in 2021: April - June
6/23 Is It Evil to Steal?
Honest man returns water tower accidentally sold by city; Hungarian parliament outlaws LGBTQIA+ indoctrination of children; Biochemists examining shape-changing polymerase end up challenging a central dogma in biology; Additional fossils force reclassification of "dino-bird" skull; CBS news team...