Patricia Engler's 360 in 180 Adventure Around the World
What a Hamster's Funeral Reveals About Mentorship - A Japanese Student's Story
Season 1, Episode 10
Can I tell you a story about the challenges of being a Christian in Japan?‚ asked the white-shirted young man, a graduate from a local university.
Absolutely,‚ I answered from across the table laden with all manner of sushi fillings, including meats both cooked and raw. A group of about 15 Christian young people had gathered around the feast, rolling sticky rice in seaweed while swapping stories about following Christ in Japan.
I'd anticipated hearing some interesting reports during my ongoing mission to backpack 360 around the world in 180 days, documenting Christian university students' experiences in different countries. But I never expected to hear a story quite like this.
Up Next in Season 1
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You seem to have a big problem,‚ observed one of the pastors as I struggled to grasp the raw meat, with chopsticks!‚
I smiled a sheepish smile. You'd think that chopstick brandishing would be easier by now, given my earlier run-in with raw squid in Japan. Maybe after another couple of weeks her...
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