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Up Next in February 2023

  • Serious Sin; Deuteronomy 15-18

    "our culture is actively engaged in justifying, ignoring, and even celebrating sin. Regardless, sin remains a serious problem, and if we look closely, we still do agree on the definition of the word. For example, even defines sin as a, transgression of divine law: any act regarded ...

  • Principles for Warfare; Deuteronomy 1...

    "Modernists like to claim that we don't fight wars anymore, that everyone is inherently good. But they are wrong - - we do. Wars are often fought for subjective, greedy, and fearful human reasons. Fear and greed do not just lead to war, but they lead to starvation, too. This planet has enough of...

  • Pledges & Equality; Deuteronomy 24-27

    "The LORD is the Creator of all things, and as human beings we were created in His image, unique from all other creation. The image of God underpins the Law as it is the basis for how we relate to one another and work together. Therefore, when the law of God speaks about relationships and ways to...