Bait company builds giant lure; Professor questions asteroid extinction; Biologists interpret spore spines to support ozone and climate fears; Researchers document truth decay in USA; Virus experts say faith and science work together; People define weeds‚ differently; Team analyzing snake genes assumes evolution . . . and more in this episode of Answers News broadcast June 10, 2020.
NoTE: To clarify what was said during this live broadcast, the EconoTimes article we reviewed categorized evidence as late Triassic, not Permian. We reject the non-biblical chronology asserted by most evolutionists; however, our intention was not to misrepresent the authors. In the biblical worldview, the K-Pg burials did not occur millions of years ago. Sixty million and eighty million are both incorrect ages based on incorrect assumptions. We reject describing rock layers as epochs of time.
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Then the kings of the earth and the great ones and the generals and the rich and the powerful, and everyone, slave and free, hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains, calling to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who is seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb"
Revelation 6:15-16
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Dr. Jennifer Rivera :
Roger Patterson :
Tim Chaffey :
40-foot fishing lure in Canada earns Guinness World Record
New study suggests asteroid collision did not cause extinction of the dinosaurs
Erosion of ozone layer responsible for mass extinction event
America Worldview Inventory 2020-At a Glance
Can Faith and Science Co-Exist? Former Atheist Dr. Francis Collins Believes they Can
Weeds get a bad rap but many are crucial to the ecosystem
Sea snakes have been adapting to see underwater for 15 million years
Bill to inform women of abortion pill reversal passes Tennessee House
Pro-family watchdog group details how public-school sex ed corrupts children
Up Next in 2020: April - June
6/15 The PhyloCode
Bird biologist finds lost lizard; Lawyer documents sex advocacy in public schools; Evolutionists propose PhyloCode for naming creatures; Biologists intelligently design experiment to replicate imaginary past; Religious atheists celebrate expanding indoctrination; NSF funds paper returning to volc...
6/17 Britain Rethinks Puberty Blockers
Married couple celebrates 80-year anniversary, Harvard prof urges homeschoolers to be indoctrinated by public schools, Britain reverses direction on puberty blockers, scientists discover dinosaur's last meal, researchers find oldest land animal fossil, punctuated evolution example debunked, court...
6/22 Flood Solves Antarctica Rainfore...
Drunk elephants and armadillos baffle scientists, US Supreme Court normalizes transgenderism, Tennessee schools required to release students in time for church, Global Flood solves Antarctica rainforest mystery, 30 alien civilizations lurking in the Milky Way? Disney fans cry "racism" at theme pa...
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