In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Tim Chaffey, Rob Webb, and Bryan Osborne take a look at what art looked like thousands of years ago, and what techniques artists used in that era. According to one recent study, our early ancestors probably created art by firelight.
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Aired on May 2nd, 2022
0:00 - Intro
0:18 - Michigan school's corpse flower' blooms for the first time in seven years. (include video)
1:52 - Prehistoric people created art by firelight, new research reveals
5:02 - Former stripper running for Congress says climate emergency' partially prompted decision to get an abortion
11:32 - Kentucky legislature overrides Beshear's veto on abortion bill, shuttering abortion facilities for now.
13:49 - Blind Mexican cave fish are developing cave-specific accents
16:52 - Students at Methodist institution pray to Great Queer one'
22:38 - A professor was punished for refusing to use preferred pronouns. He sued and just settled for $400k
26:52 - Evolutionists: The eye is close to perfect
Up Next in 2022: April - June
Answers News - April 27, 2022
Recently, Florida took a stand for biblical principles by refusing to use textbooks which teach critical race theory to children. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Tim Chaffey, Rob Webb, and Bryan Osborne share their perspective on this matter as Bible-believing Christians.
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Answers News - April 18, 2022
A well-known, progressive TikTok pastor by the name of Brandan Robertson insists that Jesus Christ is not the only way to be saved. Furthermore, he denies the existence of hell altogether. What does the Bible have to say about this?
In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Dr. Georgia Purdom, ...
Answers News - April 13, 2022
A recently-discovered fossil leads archaeologists to a new theory on how animals like snakes lost their limbs. Does God's Word say anything about this? In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Dr. Georgia Purdom, Tim Chaffey, and Robb Webb share their perspective on this matter as Bible-believi...