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  • S4E4 What is most sophisticated elect...

    What is the most sophisticated electric machine ever created? We are! And while we might marvel at God's ingenuity and unimaginable skill, He's much more than a machinist. He gives us life and vision and emotion and thought, all working together to glorify Him.

  • S4E5 What does Atheism produce in soc...

    Why do most of us believe in universal morals, such as our knowledge that it is wrong to murder someone or to take what is not ours? If we abandon biblical authority and accept atheism, then what objective standard can parents, police, military, the government, or any other ruling body base its ...

  • S4E6 A brief history of Ape-men' Par...

    From its inception, the scientific proofs offered in support of the story of human evolution have been riddled with holes, and modern research has shown that many others were driven by scientific ignorance and evolutionary interpretations, rather than solid evidence.

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