Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Calendar 2024
August 2024: A Unique Identifier
Season 1, Episode 9
Dr. Jennifer Rivera discusses the further transformation of the skin as the baby develops in the womb. The outside layer of the baby's skin is smooth until around week 10 when a deeper layer of skin starts growing faster than the layers above it, making it buckle and fold. God designed the patterns of raised, ridged skin on fingers and toes, giving us a unique identifier that also serves a purpose. This special gift from God will remain unchanged for a lifetime; and it reflects how we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
As told in Job 37:7, "He seals up the hand of every man, that all men whom he made may know it."
Up Next in Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Calendar 2024
September 2024: Preparing for the Fir...
Dr. Kaia Kloster discusses the nutritional needs and development of the baby's digestive system. The developing baby needs nutrition from the point of fertilization; long before the digestive system is fully developed and God has provided the sources of nutrition that flows seamlessly from fertil...
October 2024: Fullness of Development
The baby's lungs are the last to develop. In the final weeks before birth, the baby's lungs and brain are fully mature.
Dr. Kaia Kloster discusses the final trimester and the development of all the finishing touches; the hair comes in, the eyes open, fatty deposits begin to accumulate under the...
November 2024: The Son's Arrival
Avery Foley reflects on Christ and why he came to earth as the baby in a manger. God's Son did not arrive on earth that first Christmas night. He arrived about 9 months earlier when he was miraculously conceived by the Holy Spirit. Jesus was fully God and fully man at the moment of fertilizati...