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Up Next in February 2023

  • Sounds of a New Culture; Numbers 10-13

    "The way ancient Israel notified itself for announcements and events was not through
    media, messages published on paper, broadcasts on television, internet or radio, but
    through sounds, specifically the blowing of trumpets. As Israel was being organized
    into a new nation, God told Moses to set up...

  • How Long?; Numbers 14-16

    "What is your vision for your life? What is the vision of this business? of that ministry? But what is God's vision? What is it that He has for His people? In our reading today, God was finally going to honor His promise to Abraham and enable Abraham's descendants to take the Promised Land. Spies...

  • Godly Confrontations; Numbers 17-20

    "In the world today, we live among those who are willfully confronting and condemning God. They make all kinds of claims that He is not a God at all, or that He is immoral or false. The truth that the Bible speaks is that this has all happened before, among God's people Israel. Numbers 17 explain...