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Up Next in August, 2022

  • Offerings of Worship; Ezekiel 46-48

    "The LORD speaks to the prophet Ezekiel and, not unlike Moses, the commands given are about how His people are to act and respond in giving. The way we give our tithes and offerings in our churches today has largely watered down the reason why we give. If we give our offerings by dropping in a tw...

  • The Dream of the King; Daniel 1-2

    "The book of Daniel is a short but powerful record of God's provision to a society that had lost everything and became captive. The time is about 575 BC, or roughly 580 years before Jesus Christ was born. God's chosen people are highlighted in this book at a time when Nebuchadnezzar, the king of ...

  • Saved From the Fiery Trial; Daniel 3-4

    "The Ten Commandments are the key moral laws of God that He put in front of Israel. They are first recorded in Exodus 20, and for today's reading assignment, I would like to highlight Exodus 20:3-4 when God spoke to Moses, saying, You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for you...