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Up Next in April, 2021

  • Constructing the Temple; 2 Chronicles...

    David told his leaders and priests that Solomon would take the responsibility of constructing the Temple of the LORD. This was something that David wanted to do, but was not allowed. David had collected and set aside as much of the building materials as he could. He was a godly king of Israel des...

  • Structures of Man & God; 2 Chronicles...

    While each of the twelve tribes of Israel had its own distinct culture, the Tabernacle was the centralized religious institution of national unity. Israelites would walk from all over to worship God. When they established a kingship, however, Israel's priorities switched from religious to politic...

  • A Change; 2 Chronicles 20-24

    In 884 BC, two kings from Judah and Israel were in power: Ahaziah was the ninth king of Judah, and Jehoram (also known as Joram) was the twelfth king of Israel. These two kings did vast evil in the eyes of the LORD. This was the time that Jehu was anointed to kill the house of Ahab and his evil s...