Death the Enemy (Excerpt)
Ken Ham’s Foundations (Excerpts)
An excerpt from Ken Ham's Foundations - Death the Enemy‚.
Death the Enemy‚ - our world is now in need of restoration, and Ken shares the story of the agonizing death of his brother, a pastor and loving father, to illustrate that death is our enemy, and one day it will be vanquished!
The full Death the Enemy‚ videos (2 parts) may be found at:
The full Ken Ham's Foundations‚ series may be found at:
Up Next in Ken Ham’s Foundations (Excerpts)
In Six Days (Excerpt)
An excerpt from Ken Ham's Foundations - "In Six Days".
In Six Days‚ - What difference does it make today whether the days‚ of Genesis 1 were real 24-hour days or millions of years? Here, Ken Ham clears up today's common misunderstandings in the debate about the six days‚ of Creation.
The full I...
One Blood, One Race‚ Clip About Cain'...
An excerpt about Cain's wife from Ken Ham's Foundations - one Blood, one Race‚.
one Blood, one Race‚ - Understanding what happened at the Tower of Babel is key to understanding the origin of nations, races,‚ prejudice, and much more! on the lighter side, this video uses Ken's comical perspective...
One Blood, One Race‚ Clip About Darwin
An excerpt about Darwin from Ken Ham's Foundations - one Blood, one Race‚.
one Blood, one Race‚ - Understanding what happened at the Tower of Babel is key to understanding the origin of nations, races,‚ prejudice, and much more! on the lighter side, this video uses Ken's comical perspective on p...