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Up Next in April 2023

  • The Praise of God; 1 Chronicles 14-17

    "Praise has always been a big part of worshipping God. We see it all throughout the Scriptures, from the old to the New Testaments. Someone once said to me something along the lines of, Your God sure must have a big ego to actually require worship from people.‚ But what is praise? If you look it ...

  • David's Success; 1 Chronicles 18-21

    "1 Chronicles 18 tells us that King David had a great deal of success against all the enemies of Israel. Chronicles not only gives us the broad details of these successes, it also lets us know about some of the riches that David was able to secure. Specifically, the Bible tells us that in his fig...

  • Solomon's Assignment; 1 Chronicles 22-26

    "The Bible lets us see the different assignments that God had for the founding kings of Israel. David was assigned to subdue the enemies of Israel, but this focus had marred David. He had shed too much human blood for it to be appropriate for him to build the Temple. Even though he accepted this,...