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Up Next in May, 2022

  • God Speaks; Job 37-39

    "Elihu, the arrogant one, is interrupted by God. The LORD answered Job from the storm. He was not messing around! God was there to answer Job's questions in His own way. God begins to speak to Job by asking him over 80 questions ranging in topic from the beginning of time, the passage of time, an...

  • Job's Restoration; Job 40-42

    "The restoration of Job is not just a restoration but a maturity of his understanding. Since Job felt that he had done nothing wrong, he questioned God about the suffering he was enduring and what God was doing about it. But remember, mankind is all together sinful to the LORD. At the beginning o...

  • David Is Troubled; Psalms 1-8

    "There is no pain like family pain; nothing as hurtful as when a family member who is close to you betrays you for their own advantage. That is what David felt when his son Absalom proclaimed himself king. David himself had prepared the way for this betrayal by not applying God's law
    to his own s...