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Up Next in March, 2022

  • Fear v. Faith; 1 Kings 14 - 17

    "In 1 Kings 18, Ahab refers to Elijah as the troubler of Israel‚. The story is similar today - God speaks but few people choose to listen. The LORD offers His Word, and through the ebb and flow of our lives He attempts to gain our attention. But the power of God's Holy Word is critical, and oft...

  • Troubler of Israel; 1 Kings 18 - 20

    In 1 Kings 18, Ahab refers to Elijah as the troubler of Israel‚. The story is similar today - God speaks but few people choose to listen. The LORD offers His Word, and through the ebb and flow of our lives He attempts to gain our attention. But the power of God's Holy Word is critical, and ofte...

  • Speak the Truth; 1 Kings 21 - 22

    "Jehoshaphat, the seventh king of Judah, was trying to build peace between the Judean kingdom and Israel. Remember that Rehoboam had split the kingdom of Israel after his father, Solomon, died: Israel to the north and Judah to the south. The events surrounding the split included the northern nati...