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Up Next in January, 2021

  • Jealousy; Genesis 21-22

    Even after about 3,900 years, Abraham is still well known. A recent Middle Eastern peace treaty was named after him: The Abraham Accords. Many people still know his name, and many others have taken religious meaning from him. It is important though, that we allow the Bible to be the rule of truth...

  • Death; Genesis 23-25

    We are told that death is a part of life, but it is not. Death was not originally a part of life! God told Adam and Eve to steer clear of sin so that they would not die. The book of Romans also makes this connection, For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jes...

  • Brothers; Genesis 32-34

    Jacob was finally returning home from the East. He had spent many years working to support his wives and children. He was wealthy now, but there was something he could not forget. In Genesis 32, we read how the LORD wrestles with Jacob all night and as morning dawns, Jacob asks Him for a blessing...