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Up Next in July 2024

  • Judgment; Jeremiah 14-16

    In many ways, Jeremiah was a broken man. He was called to deliver a message that was neither pleasant nor constructive. When a message is given to bring correction, those who hear the message have the opportunity to change their ways. Jeremiah's message to the people was God's word to a stubbornl...

  • The Judgment

    The book of Isaiah often speaks about the future. It speaks of humanity's ultimate destiny,
    which is to be confronted by the reality of God and His righteous judgment. Christ will return
    and rule, and all of the evil things we think we have gotten away with will be brought to
    account. When God re...

  • Babylon

    The name Babylon is fascinating. It sounds like a Hebrew word meaning confusion. During the
    time of the prophet Isaiah, Babylon was the place where Judah was destined to be exiled for their rebellion against God. That Babylon is remembered in history as the neo-Babylonian Empire, and it had a gre...