Have you ever marveled over a newborn child? We stand in awe at the detail of their tiny features, fingers, and toes. As we consider the miracle of life, we may ask, When does life begin?‚
Dr. David Menton explains the development of an infant from the embryo to birth. Explore the progressive sequence beginning with ovulation, the movement of the egg in the oviduct, fertilization, implantation, development of the placenta, and finally the birth process itself. Discover what the embryological development of the human body tells us about our Creator.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well
Psalm 139:14
Dr. Menton holds a PhD from Brown University and served as a professor at Washington University for 34 years. He retired as an associate professor emeritus and now serves with Answers in Genesis.