GREAT Conversations with Calvin Smith
S8E2 Flat Earth the mother of all conspiracies
Season 8, Episode 2
In this episode of the GREAT Conversations Podcast, host Calvin Smith (the Director of Answers in Genesis CA) discusses the Flat Earth controversy- the mother of all conspiracies.
Up Next in Season 8
S8E3 Does being offended trump the tr...
In this episode of the GREAT Conversations Podcast, host Calvin Smith (the Director of Answers in Genesis CA) discusses whether being offended trumps the truth?
S8E4 Monsters of Evolution?
In this episode of the GREAT Conversations Podcast, host Calvin Smith (the Director of Answers in Genesis CA) discusses different theories of how the story of evolution supposedly occurred- including the hopeful monster' argument which later became called punctuated equilibrium'.
S8E5 The dilemma of theodicy
In this episode of the GREAT Conversations Podcast, host Calvin Smith (the Director of Answers in Genesis CA) discusses Christianity's greatest challenge- the dilemma of theodicy.
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