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Up Next in January, 2022

  • A Harsh Story; Genesis 38-40

    The Bible is very upfront about the dark side of human nature, but we should not mistake this honesty with endorsement. We always have decisions to make and God has told us over and over again to pray for guidance and live according to His morality. When we do, He gives us the ability to do the r...

  • God Shows the World; Genesis 41-43

    The LORD knows the future, He planned the past, and understands how they fit together. The LORD is orchestrating everything as He has from the beginning.

    There was a great famine coming on the earth and God shows Pharaoh in a dream what will happen. However, Pharaoh did not understand. Perhaps h...

  • Heroic obedience; Exodus 1-3

    The first five heroes of the old Testament were women. The Bible is frequently charged with being chauvinistic, but it is so easily misunderstood. The Bible records history, it is reporting on human nature, it is not endorsing that nature. The Bible's history may be depressing at times, but it al...