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Up Next in March, 2021

  • A Civil War; Judges 18-21

    When evil is out in the open, it's easy to fight against it. But when evil is hidden in plain sight and rises on the inside - of society and our soul - it is very difficult to identify and even easier to ignore. The nation slowly splits and fights against itself. If left unresolved, a civil w...

  • Naomi & Ruth; Ruth 1-4

    The book of Ruth takes place during the time of the Judges in Israel. It is a true story about a Jewish woman named Naomi and a Moabite woman named Ruth, great-grandmother of King David. The narrative begins with Naomi, her husband and two sons leaving Israel to go to the land of Moab to avoid a ...

  • The Call of God; 1 Samuel 1-4

    Israel had fallen so far from the LORD that there was no way they could hear the word of God or understand a revelation from Him. These were the days when the prophet Samuel was born, a time when darkness fell across Israel. A time when the nation became horribly dark like the other nations aroun...