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Up Next in August, 2022

  • What We Do; Ezekiel 23-24

    "In our lifetime we do many things. We affect change around our lives. The world around us changes because of the decisions we make and expressed in our needs and wants. But when we come to know the LORD Jesus Christ we are born again, and that brings a change to the way we live. And because of t...

  • Moab, Edom, Philistia; Ezekiel 25-27

    "The LORD speaks to all nations. God has a nation of His own and it is not just Israel, but includes those who follow Jesus Christ as the only Begotten Son of God. Christians believe that the LORD Jesus Christ came and lived among us, He showed us how to live and what it means to live. He died on...

  • Study of the Enemy; Ezekiel 28-30

    "The gospel is the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ, fully God and fully man. So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, It is finished!' And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit"" (JoHN 19:30). God did not simulate death, He allowed Himself to be cast into deat...