Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2023)
God's Judgement;1 Kings 14-17
Season 3, Episode 21
"The aftermath of Solomon's life was not good for Israel. The nation split in two after his death. The majority of the nation, ten tribes of Israel, chose to follow Solomon's enemy, Jeroboam, as the new king of Israel. In a terrible twist, Jeroboam was also entwined in idol worship, except, rather than introducing new gods into Israel like Solomon did, Jeroboam set up religious images at sites within his jurisdiction and tried to replace the worship of God at the Temple. He wanted to keep the influence of David's family as distant as possible. The hitch in this plan, however, was when Jeroboam's son became very ill. He, interestingly, sends his wife for a prophet of God, Ahijah. God's reaction always amazes me! Honestly, if it were me, I probably would've judged Jeroboam years earlier, and there'd be a new king in his place. Yet, God chooses to speak with him. The answer is a hard one, but this whole scenario illustrates that there are key opportunities that God gives us to turn back to Him. He is our Father, our Creator, and He loves us.
We are a family-run international ministry with television, print and online programs designed to guide you through the Bible in one year.
From social issues and apologetics to theology, history and science, our mission is to educate, edify and encourage the believer to actively engage with God's Word in all ways."
Up Next in March 2023
God's Secret Servants;1 Kings 18-20
"There are Christians who work every day in environments that are hostile toward God. I like to call those Christians: God's Secret Servants! There is a great example of this in 1 Kings 18. obadiah was in charge of King Ahab's household. Ahab was famously dismissive of God, and he was an enemy of...
Bad Politics;1 Kings 21-22
"1 Kings 21 shows us the depths that Northern Israel had fallen to. Unlike their sister nation of Judah, Northern Israel did not remain loyal to one dynasty or family of kings, they experienced a lot of war and usurper kings. With the stories that we're told of Israel's inner workings, it's reall...