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Up Next in March, 2022

  • A King; 1 Samuel 5 - 8

    "The name Goliath means soothsayer, so this may mean that Goliath was known to speak about the future, or that he had pagan religious ties. Given that Goliath was about 9.5' - 11' tall, whatever he said would be hard to question! The key to discovering the nature and attitude of this giant name...

  • Who Was Goliath?; 1 Samuel 1 7 - 1 9

    "Most of us believe that when we do someone a favor they owe us one. But life isn't always like this, and we often must deal with others who do not have good intentions toward us. God desires us to involve Him and His ways into our relationships. We are not to seek revenge for ourselves, remember...

  • A Good Deed Does Not Deserve Another;...

    "Sometimes we may feel that we cannot do what God has called us to do. We fall into what we think is the next best thing' or our only option at the time' and continue on as though we failed or, perhaps, we may feel that we had no choice but to fail. But God knows the future, past and present. H...