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Up Next in January, 2022

  • Heroic obedience; Exodus 1-3

    The first five heroes of the old Testament were women. The Bible is frequently charged with being chauvinistic, but it is so easily misunderstood. The Bible records history, it is reporting on human nature, it is not endorsing that nature. The Bible's history may be depressing at times, but it al...

  • Human Thinking; Exodus 4-7

    Three indicators of God's power were in the path of Moses as he returned to Egypt. First there were the miracles that God showed him, represented by the rod that Moses carried. Then there was the personal display of God's power which Moses didn't seem to have recognized, but his wife Zipporah did...

  • The Heart of Pharaoh; Exodus 8-10

    The ten plagues of Egypt were ten judgments of God that could have been avoided if Pharaoh had obeyed God through Moses. Pharaoh was of the belief that he was God. This helps explain why his heart was hard against the God of his slaves. He was not interested in losing their valuable labor. He bel...