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Up Next in November 2024

  • The Church is Different; 1 Corinthian...

    The Church is supposed to be different from the world. our relationship with God makes us unique. The Church is not supposed to be an optimist club, neither is it a way that we can identify ourselves as good people. The Church is the Kingdom of God! We are broken people, redeemed by Christ, being...

  • Order of the Church; 1 Corinthians 13-16

    The Church has order. It should not be unorganized. The Church did not happen by chance. It was not unplanned, nor a backup plan. God ordained the Church from the beginning of time. Jesus mentioned the Church for the first time in Matthew 16:18, which says, And I also say to you that you are Pete...

  • Paul's Second Letter; 2 Corinthians 1-3

    The ancient city of Corinth was not exactly an easy place to develop a Christian church with strong character. Their culture was notoriously dark and morally bankrupt. It was a city that carried a stigma. Yet, here, God grew a church. Paul lived there for some time greater than a year to teach, c...